Liposuction Turkey

    Liposuction Turkey is an interventional procedure preferred for removing stubborn localized fats that are difficult to eliminate with exercise and diet, aiming to shape various body areas. A significant portion of the daily food intake is used to meet the body’s energy needs. The remaining calories are stored as fat tissue in various areas of the body after undergoing various biological processes. These areas include hips, thighs, waist, abdomen, legs, upper arms, and the abdomen. These fat tissues significantly affect the appearance of the respective areas. Certain individuals may have attractive body features that are obscured or diminished due to these fat tissues. Individuals may struggle to melt these fats, which can lead to confidence issues, necessitate changes in clothing habits, and cause uncomfortable social problems. The liposuction Turkey procedure is performed to safely remove these fat tissues and allow individuals to achieve more attractive body contours. In the continuation of our article, we will answer frequently asked questions such as “How long does liposuction take?”, “How is liposuction Turkey performed?”, “What should be considered after liposuction?”, and “What is the recovery process after liposuction?” to provide detailed information about the liposuction procedure in Turkey.

    What Is Liposuction?

    Liposuction is a specialized surgery performed to remove unwanted localized fats and reveal attractive body contours. During the liposuction procedure, specialized techniques are used to separate the localized fats from other tissues, and then these fat tissues are evacuated from the area. This eliminates aesthetic issues caused by fat tissues in the area. Liposuction can be performed as a standalone procedure or as part of different aesthetic surgeries. It is one of the most commonly performed aesthetic surgeries today. 

    Why Is Liposuction Turkey Performed?

    Liposuction can be performed for the following purposes:

    • To remove localized fats in areas such as hips, thighs, legs, abdomen, and upper arms.
    • To create slimming in the neck and chin area and establish sharper neck contours.
    • To safely evacuate stubborn fats resistant to melting from the body.
    • To give areas affected by localized fats a more attractive appearance.
    • To shape the legs, thigh area, hips, and abdomen, enhancing the distinctive features of these areas.

    Liposuction can be performed for these purposes. Individuals seeking fat injection or fat transfer may also have liposuction to extract a certain amount of fat tissue from relevant body areas. For detailed information on this topic, you can review the content titled “Fat Injection” on our website.

    Can Liposuction Help in Weight Loss?

    The primary purpose of liposuction is not to induce weight loss in individuals. Liposuction is performed to remove localized fats and shape the body contours. However, during liposuction, a certain amount of fat tissue is removed from the body, so individuals may lose some weight after the procedure. 

    Who Is a Candidate for Liposuction Turkey?

    Liposuction is generally performed on individuals who struggle to melt localized fats despite practices such as diet and exercise. This procedure is not performed on obese patients with the goal of weight loss. Similarly, liposuction is not suitable for minors. 

    What Are the Types of Liposuction?

    There are two main types of liposuction widely preferred today. The first is traditional liposuction, and the second is energy-based liposuction using devices known as VASER liposuction or lipomatic liposuction. These procedures are fundamentally similar but differ in how fat tissues are separated from other tissues. It is a sound method to determine which one to choose after a doctor’s examination based on your preferences and expectations.

    How Long Does Liposuction Turkey Take?

    The duration of liposuction largely depends on the areas being treated. Liposuction on the chin area, for example, may take 15 minutes, while liposuction on the abdomen, waist, legs, and arms together can take up to 3 hours. After customizing a liposuction plan based on your requests and expectations, your doctor will provide detailed information about the duration of liposuction and VASER liposuction.

    How Is Liposuction Turkey Performed?

    If liposuction is performed under general anesthesia, the patient may need to stay in the hospital for about a night. For operations performed under local anesthesia, the patient is discharged after a few hours of rest. It is important for the individual to limit physical activities for a while after liposuction. Heavy tasks and exhausting exercises should be avoided for a certain period. Likewise, the medications prescribed by the doctor should be taken regularly, and recommended massages and care for the liposuction area should not be neglected. 

    Liposuction Aftercare and Recovery Process

    After liposuction, if performed under general anesthesia, the individual may need to stay in the hospital for about a night. If the operation is performed under local anesthesia, the individual is usually discharged after a few hours of rest. It is essential for the individual to limit physical activities for a while after liposuction. Heavy tasks and exhausting exercises should be avoided during this recovery period. Likewise, the medications prescribed by the doctor should be taken regularly, and the recommended massages and care for the liposuction area should not be neglected.

    Liposuction 2024 Prices in Turkey

    Turkey liposuction prices 2024 and vaser liposuction prices in Turkey may vary based on the details of the procedure and similar factors.

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