Breast Augmentation Turkey

    Breast augmentation Turkey, also known as breast enlargement, is a cosmetic surgery procedure performed using silicone implants to enhance and shape the breasts. The size, shape, and proportion of breasts are important factors for a woman’s body attractiveness. Breasts that are proportionate to other body measurements can contribute to a more feminine and attractive appearance. However, some individuals may have relatively smaller breasts due to genetic factors or hormonal balance. This does not necessarily indicate a health issue or a problem with their functionality. It’s entirely natural to have smaller breasts. However, some women may desire to have larger and firmer breasts, and they can opt for breast augmentation Turkey to achieve this goal. In the rest of our article, we will answer frequently asked questions such as “How long does breast augmentation Turkey take?”, “How is breast augmentation performed?”, “At what age can breast augmentation be done?”, and “Is breastfeeding possible after breast augmentation?” to provide detailed information about breast augmentation Turkey.

    What Is Breast Augmentation Turkey?

    Breast augmentation Turkey is a cosmetic surgery procedure aimed at increasing the volume of the breasts, resulting in larger, more prominent, and firmer-looking breasts. Breasts can vary in size among different individuals. Having relatively smaller breasts does not imply a negative condition in terms of their function or health. However, some women may not be satisfied with the size and appearance of their breasts. They may desire to have larger and more firm breasts. In this case, they can consider breast augmentation surgery. Breast augmentation Turkey is one of the most commonly preferred aesthetic surgeries by women both in our country and worldwide.

    Why Is Breast Augmentation Turkey Performed?

    Breast augmentation Turkey is performed not only to increase the size of the breasts but also to rearrange breast tissues and shape the breasts. This surgery can enlarge the size of the breasts using fat injections or silicone implants. By strategically placing these volume-enhancing factors, differences in shape and size between the breasts can be eliminated. Similarly, this procedure can give the breasts a more firm and youthful appearance. Another reason for this surgery is to improve the quality of life of individuals who experience psychological problems due to the appearance and size of their breasts.

    At What Age Can Breast Augmentation Be Performed?

    The minimum age for breast augmentation surgery is 18. In other words, an individual who wants to undergo breast augmentation surgery must be at least 18 years old and be of legal age. However, there is no definitive upper age limit for breast augmentation Turkey. If the individual’s overall health allows for the surgery, breast augmentation can be performed safely.

    Can Breastfeeding Be Done After Breast Augmentation?

    After breast augmentation surgery, individuals who become pregnant and give birth after the healing process can breastfeed their babies without any problems. No surgical intervention is made to the milk glands or milk ducts that allow for breastfeeding during breast augmentation surgery. Only a pocket is created by placing silicone implants there. This means that the individual can breastfeed after the surgery. However, it is advisable for individuals who are already pregnant, breastfeeding, or planning to become pregnant in the near future to postpone breast augmentation. This is because during these processes, changes in breast appearance can occur due to both breastfeeding and weight changes. To ensure that these changes do not adversely affect the achieved breast appearance after the surgery, breast augmentation surgery should be performed after these periods.

    Is Breast Augmentation Turkey Permanent?

    The breast appearance achieved after breast augmentation surgery is not lost over time. Silicone implants placed in the breast area retain their density and volume over the years. These implants have a highly durable structure and do not dissolve or mix with metabolism over time, unlike fat tissue. Therefore, the breast appearance achieved after breast augmentation surgery is permanent. However, it’s important to note that the breast tissue remaining above the breast prosthesis can sag over time, independent of the breast prosthesis. Breast sagging may occur over the years, and breast lift may be necessary in the future.

    How Long Does Breast Augmentation Turkey Take?

    The duration of breast augmentation surgery is approximately 1 hour on average, but if a breast lift procedure is performed along with it, this can extend the time up to 3 hours. Your doctor will listen to your expectations from breast augmentation surgery and then provide you with personalized surgery planning. Your doctor will inform you about the duration of breast augmentation based on your specific expectations.

    How Is Breast Augmentation Performed?

    Breast augmentation is typically performed under general anesthesia. During the surgery, the first step is to clean the surgical area with a special antiseptic solution. Although an incision of approximately 4 centimeters is most commonly made under the breast fold, incisions can also be made from the armpit or around the nipple for the placement of the breast implant. After creating a pocket between the deep tissues, which is washed with antibiotic solutions, sterile implants are placed into the pocket. Finally, the incision site is closed with aesthetic stitches.

    When Does Breast Augmentation Heal?

    The healing time for breast augmentation surgery is approximately 2 weeks. Patients who have surgery under general anesthesia are usually discharged on the same day or the day after. They can gradually return to their daily lives 3 to 4 days after the surgery. However, they should use the supportive bra recommended by the doctor until full recovery, and vigorous exercise should be avoided during this period.

    Breast Augmentation Turkey Price 2024

    Breast augmentation Turkey price may varies from person to person based on the scope of the operation and similar details.

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